Tuesday 31 March 2015

The Tree

The tree sways gently,
As the light breeze whispers by,
Beneath the blue sky.

#Haiku #Poem #Poetry

Monday 30 March 2015

Thoughts of You

It sang to me, the nightingale,
As it flew through the night sky,
I listened to its melodic tale,
Putting you in my minds eye.

A gentle breeze swept through my mind,
And the mystery of you became clear,
My thoughts no longer intertwined,
And suddenly you felt near.

I could sense your gentle soul,
So caring and so warm,
My heart began to lose control,
As I pictured your life form.

The brightness of your smile,
Lit the shadows of each thought,
I'd longed for you for such a while,
The love I'd always sought.

I feel like I could drift with you,
Upon an endless sea,
The hidden thoughts I've clung to,
Have been suddenly set free.

#Poem #Poetry

Sunday 29 March 2015

A Sonnet of Peace

Oh how we long to live in peaceful times,
We are fed up of all this troubled life,
An end to wars, the violence and crimes,
Sick of all the conflict and bitter strife.

United Nations try to keep the peace,
Negotiate a better way to live,
Trusting that the trouble will then all cease,
And hope that with our foes we can forgive.

If ever there is danger to befall,
Whenever trouble is about to stir,
No matter if it's big or even small,
That's when the peaceful talking should occur.

Instead we go and start another war,
We load our guns and kill yet even more.

#Sonnet #War #Peace #Poem #Poetry

Saturday 28 March 2015

Sad Clouds

Tears fall from the sky,
So much sadness from the clouds,
Hope they cheer up soon.

#Haiku #Poem #Poetry

Friday 27 March 2015

Rain or Shine

Sunshine in the morning,
Cloudy sky in afternoon,
Indecisive day.

#Haiku #Poem #Poetry

Thursday 26 March 2015

A Sonnet of Loveless Life

I have always thought that I would not find,
A woman to love and who loves me too,
At least not one who lives and has sound mind,
A curse upon me, some form of voodoo.

Perhaps they dare not look upon my face,
Afraid of what they see before their eyes,
They may despise the thought of my embrace,
I am the wooden spoon not winning prize.

A life so full of pity and self-doubt,
A single life I have to learn to cope,
A woman's love for me to live without,
A firm belief in love I have no hope.

But from nowhere you came into my life,
We fell in love and you became my wife.

#Sonnet #Poem #Poetry

Wednesday 25 March 2015

Swaying Grass

The tall blades of grass,
Swaying gently in the breeze,
Moving green blanket.

#Haiku #Poem #Poetry

Tuesday 24 March 2015

Bike Ride

In the spring sunshine,
Fifty kilometer ride,
Out on the road bike.

#Haiku #Poem #Poetry

Monday 23 March 2015

Spring Chills

A cold spring breeze blows,
Sends a shiver down my spine,
A chill in the air.

#Haiku #Poem #Poetry

Sunday 22 March 2015

Weekend Over

Sunday evening,
Chinese takeaway for tea,
Weekend is over.

#Haiku #Poem #Poetry

Saturday 21 March 2015


Saturday morning,
The weekend has now begun,
Party time ahead.

#Haiku #Poem #Poetry

Friday 20 March 2015


A total eclipse,
The full moon covers the sun,
Night time in day time.

#Haiku #Poem #Poetry


Beacon in the night,
Full moon shining big and bright,
Such an eerie sight.

#Haiku #Poem #Poetry

Thursday 19 March 2015

Broken Beginnings

In the beginning,
God created heaven and Earth,
Mankind ruined it.


Fighting for Peace

Mothers shedding tears,
As their children go to war,
Men off to fight for real,
Not kids playing any more.

It almost seems ironic,
For a dispute to cease,
When talking gets us nowhere,
We have to fight for peace.

State leaders in the office,
Flexing their sharp tongues,
Whilst soldiers fight their battle,
Killing with their guns.

Eventually one side will win,
Their victory flags will fly,
But are there any winners,
When so many had to die?

Lennon said to imagine,
"Nothing to kill or die for"
So keep the peace together,
Don't start a bloody war.

Wednesday 18 March 2015

In the Darkness of this Winter Night - A Villanelle

In the darkness of this winter night,
My sluggish steps left in the snow,
Lit only by the pale moonlight.

The frost begins to take its bite,
Just like a hungry foe,
In the darkness of this winter night.

I know not of what my plight,
Upon this lonely trek I go,
Lit only by the pale moonlight.

Imagined fears hidden out of sight,
That the shadows will not show,
In the darkness of this winter night.

Moving on as much I might,
My journey is so slow,
Lit only by the pale moonlight.

I wonder if my path is right,
Which direction? I do not know,
In the darkness of this winter night,
Lit only by the pale moonlight.

#Villanelle #Poem #Poetry

My New Book

Thought I’d take this opportunity to plug my new book My Life in the Book of Odes available now on Amazon in both Kindle and paperback formats. I'll be publishing some of the poems from it on this blog over the coming months.

Flying High

Birds flying above,
Soaring gracefully and high,
Freedom of the sky.

#Haiku #Poem #Poetry


Sitting all alone,
Thoughts dancing around my mind,
Too much time to think.

#Haiku #Poem #Poetry