Thursday 30 April 2015

Softly Sleeping

Sleeping mind at peace,
Drifting through an empty place,
Unconscious and relaxed.

#Haiku #Poem #Poetry

Wednesday 29 April 2015

Far Below the Stormy Sky

Far below the stormy sky,
And in the dimming light,
The ocean waves roll high.

Seagulls sound a warning cry,
And fly away in fright,
Far below the stormy sky.

Thunder roars its battle cry,
Ready for the fight,
The ocean waves roll high.

Closing in, the storm's eye,
Wind blowing hard with all its might,
Far below the stormy sky.

The sea churns up in reply,
Reaching to a great height,
The ocean waves roll high.

A trawler sees the danger nigh,
And to safety sails far out of sight,
Far below the stormy sky,
The ocean waves roll high.

#Villanelle #Poem #Poetry

Tuesday 28 April 2015

A Wifeless Life

A life less love, a loveless life,
A wifeless life, a life less wife.

#Poem #Poetry

Monday 27 April 2015

Heat of Day

Intense heat burns down,
From the bright summer sunshine,
Hiding in the shade.

#Haiku #Poem #Poetry

Sunday 26 April 2015

Summer Sun

Summer sun beats down,
And the flowers start to bloom,
Blue skies all around.

#Haiku #Poem #Poetry

Saturday 25 April 2015

Strong winds

Windy day outside,
Big gusts are blowing strongly,
Trees sway to and fro.

#Haiku #Poem #Poetry

Friday 24 April 2015

Wake up to Sunshine

Wake up to sunshine,
Shining bright through the window,
Love the summer time.

#Haiku #Poem #Poetry

Thursday 23 April 2015


Peace is what we wish for, not another theatre of war
End all of these hostilities and close the devils door
All the needless death and total destruction
Can't we find a more peaceful option?
Everyone around the world join together your hands

Overcome the feuds fought across all the lands
No more innocent civilian lives should be lost

Each time we are left counting the cost
And what about the soldiers, out there on the front line
Returning home in boxes, the end of their lifeline
Tears fall from loved ones, they say their last goodbye
How can it be right to let these people die?

#Poem #Poetry #Acrostic

Wednesday 22 April 2015

Love Me

Love me in return,
For it's you that I yearn,
Give your hand to me,
Together we should be.

My heart beats for you,
Let yours beat for me too.

#Poem #Poetry

Tuesday 21 April 2015

I am a Haiku

I am a Haiku,
Seventeen syllables long,
Short style of poem.

Monday 20 April 2015

Almost Summer

Flowers start to bloom,
The warm sun is shining bright,
Summer almost here.

#Haiku #Poem #Poetry

Sunday 19 April 2015


Hangover kicks in,
Morning after night before,
Never drink again.

#Haiku #Poem #Poetry

Saturday 18 April 2015


Oh my sleepy head,
I should really stay in bed,
Back to Land of Nod.

#Haiku #Poem #Poetry

Friday 17 April 2015


Today is friday,
The week it has passed so fast,
Now for the weekend.

#Haiku #Poem #Poetry

Thursday 16 April 2015

Breaking Down

My mind created stress,
Built a home inside my head,
No escape - breakdown.

#Haiku #Poem #Poetry

Wednesday 15 April 2015

Souls Drifting

Departed spirits,
Drifting through the atmosphere,
Souls are all around.

#Haiku #Poem #Poetry

Tuesday 14 April 2015

Sonnet for a Deer

The sun sets down, today has come to pass,
The dimming light means barely can I see,
In peace I stand surrounded by tall grass,
I hear a sudden noise that makes me flee.

At such great haste I run across the ground,
With freedom of the open countryside,
I take flight away from the scary sound,
Bounding along the fields where I reside.

I jump over a ditch and stop to see,
The grass below is now an unlit road,
Separated from all my family,
A sound approaches I had not forebode.

I turn my head to look, stood frozen still,
I am blinded by the headlights - road-kill.

#Sonnet #Poem #Poetry

Monday 13 April 2015

Summer Begins

Sun shining brightly,
A beautiful day ahead,
Summer has begun.

#Haiku #Poem #Poetry

Sunday 12 April 2015


Rivers flow to seas,
And mountains reach for the sky,
This is planet Earth.

#Haiku #Poem #Poetry

Saturday 11 April 2015

Morning Rain

Light rain drizzles down,
Cloudy sky is set in place,
Gloomy day ahead.

#Haiku #Poem #Poetry

Friday 10 April 2015

Glorious Day

A glorious day,
Sun shines bright in the blue sky,
A soft gentle breeze blows.

#Haiku #Poem #Poetry

Thursday 9 April 2015

Fluffy Clouds

The white fluffy clouds,
Forming ever changing shapes,
Patterns in the sky.

#Haiku #Poem #Poetry

Wednesday 8 April 2015

Sleepy Eyes

Tired sleepy eyes,
Just barely keeping awake,
Heavy eyelids fall.

#Haiku #Poem #Poetry

Tuesday 7 April 2015

The Interview

Nervously shaking,
Trembling voice and sweaty palms,
I hate interviews.

#Haiku #Poem #Poetry

Monday 6 April 2015


Police sirens scream,
There is trouble on the streets,
Riot needs control.

#Haiku #Poem #Poetry

Sunday 5 April 2015

Storm Clouds

Black clouds loom above,
A storm is about to break,
Rain begins to fall.

#Haiku #Poem #Poetry

Saturday 4 April 2015

Crazy Rain

Pitter patter rain,
Tapping on the window pain,
Driving me insane.

#Haiku #Poem #Poetry

Friday 3 April 2015

Softly Sleeping

Sleeping mind at peace,
Drifting through an empty place,
Unconscious and relaxed.

#Haiku #Poem #Poetry

Thursday 2 April 2015

Baby Girl

My baby born,
A new life starts,
A little girl,
To fill our hearts.

With staring eyes,
Bright and blue,
Taking in,
All sights new.

Your tiny hand,
Grips my finger tight,
Grabbing on,
With all your might.

In months to come,
You’ll start to walk,
Your gurgling voice,
Will learn to talk.

Your life will grow,
On each new day,
My guiding hand,
Will point the way.

#Poem #Poetry

Wednesday 1 April 2015

Singing Trees

The twittering birds,
Sitting high up in the trees,
All unseen but heard.

#Haiku #Poem #Poetry