Tuesday 26 May 2015

New Beginning

A new beginning,
Tomorrow brings a big change,
Good times lay ahead.

#Haiku #Poem #Poetry

Saturday 23 May 2015

Blooming Flowers

Flower buds open,
Showing off pretty petals,
Summer is in bloom.

#Haiku #Poem #Poetry

Friday 22 May 2015

Busy Bee

Flower to flower,
The busy bumble bee flies,
Happily buzzing.

#Haiku #Poem #Poetry

Thursday 21 May 2015

Beautiful Day

Sun shining brightly,
Breathe in the fresh summer air,
A beautiful day.

#Haiku #Poem #Poetry

Wednesday 20 May 2015

Dismal Day

Rain falls from black clouds,
Trees bend over in the wind,
Dismal summer day.

#Haiku #Poem #Poetry

Tuesday 19 May 2015

Spring Again

Cold and shivering,
Temperature has fallen,
Feels like spring again.

#Haiku #Poem #Poetry

Monday 18 May 2015

Rain Drops

Rain water drips down,
Falling from the wet tree leaves,
Splashing on the ground.

#Haiku #Poem #Poetry

Sunday 17 May 2015

Sestina for a Summers Day

In the burning heat of day,
Almost too hot to move,
You can barely hear a sound,
Except for tweeting birds,
Sitting high up in the trees,
These summer days we love.

The air filled with natures love,
Right from the break of day,
Blowing through the watching trees,
And gently makes them move,
They protect the nesting birds,
Keeping them safe and sound.

A cat lays curled up sound,
Asleep, dreaming of its love,
Of trying to catch the birds,
But dream is all it does this day,
Too warm and tired to move,
It takes shade under the trees.

Leaves disturbed upon the trees,
And make a rustling sound,
A squirrel makes a darting move,
As it fulfils its love,
Of gathering nuts all day,
And spooks some nearby birds.

Upwards fly some startled birds,
Soaring above the trees,
This brief chaos breaks the day,
Now awake from all the sound,
To chase, the cat would love,
A glancing look its only move.

It sees them as they swiftly move,
Observing all the birds,
This time sleep its only love,
As they land back in the trees,
Once again a peaceful sound,
Returns back to the day.

As the leaves move on the trees,
And the birds sing merry sound,
We love this sunny day.

#Sestina #Poem #Poetry

Saturday 16 May 2015

Rush Hour

People rushing by,
Cars queuing along the road,
Rush hour time again.

#Haiku #Poem #Poetry

Friday 15 May 2015

Lovely Day

What a lovely day,
Sitting outside in sunshine,
Peaceful and quiet.

#Haiku #Poem #Poetry

Thursday 14 May 2015

Summer Flowers

A flowers open,
Showing off their bright petals,
The sun is shining.

#Haiku #Poem #Poetry

Wednesday 13 May 2015

Disappearing Summer

Cold wind is blowing,
Summer has disappeared,
The Sun is hiding.

#Haiku #DailyHaiku #Poem #Poetry

Tuesday 12 May 2015


After all the rain,
A multi-coloured rainbow,
Shines in the sunlight.

#Haiku #Poem #Poetry

Monday 11 May 2015

Moving Shadows

The wind blows the trees,
The sunlight creates shadows,
Dark and moving shapes.

#Haiku #Poem #Poetry

Sunday 10 May 2015

Pond Life

Fish swim to and fro,
A frog sits on a lilly,
Pond is full of life.

#Haiku #Poem #Poetry

Saturday 9 May 2015

Gathering Storm

Calm before the storm,
Black clouds loom in the distance,
Gathering in strength.

#Haiku #Poem #Poetry

Friday 8 May 2015


Blossom all around,
Falling like snowflakes from trees,
White blanket on ground.

#Haiku #Poem #Poetry

Thursday 7 May 2015

Dust Motes

Watch them float around,
Lit up by rays of sunlight,
Dust motes dance in air.

#Haiku #Poem #Poetry

Wednesday 6 May 2015


Greenhouse is thriving,
Tomato seeds are sprouting,
Growing fruit and veg.

#Haiku #Poem #Poetry

Tuesday 5 May 2015

Further Reading

If you're enjoying reading some of my poems on here then you may be interested in my book: My Life in the Book of Odes- It is available both on Kindle and in paperback from Amazon. Click on the link to take you there.

Monday 4 May 2015

Star Wars Day

Star Wars day today,
So May the fourth be with you,
Watching all the films.

#Haiku #Poem #Poetry

Sunday 3 May 2015

Summer Rain

Pouring down with rain,
Big puddles are all around,
Where has summer gone?

#Haiku #Poem #Poetry

Saturday 2 May 2015

Peaceful Day

Stillness in the air,
A peaceful day upon us,
So calm and tranquil.

#Haiku #Poem #Poetry

Friday 1 May 2015

Misty Morning

Misty May morning,
Cannot see the day dawning,
Fog horns are warning.

#Haiku #Poem #Poetry