Sunday 17 May 2015

Sestina for a Summers Day

In the burning heat of day,
Almost too hot to move,
You can barely hear a sound,
Except for tweeting birds,
Sitting high up in the trees,
These summer days we love.

The air filled with natures love,
Right from the break of day,
Blowing through the watching trees,
And gently makes them move,
They protect the nesting birds,
Keeping them safe and sound.

A cat lays curled up sound,
Asleep, dreaming of its love,
Of trying to catch the birds,
But dream is all it does this day,
Too warm and tired to move,
It takes shade under the trees.

Leaves disturbed upon the trees,
And make a rustling sound,
A squirrel makes a darting move,
As it fulfils its love,
Of gathering nuts all day,
And spooks some nearby birds.

Upwards fly some startled birds,
Soaring above the trees,
This brief chaos breaks the day,
Now awake from all the sound,
To chase, the cat would love,
A glancing look its only move.

It sees them as they swiftly move,
Observing all the birds,
This time sleep its only love,
As they land back in the trees,
Once again a peaceful sound,
Returns back to the day.

As the leaves move on the trees,
And the birds sing merry sound,
We love this sunny day.

#Sestina #Poem #Poetry

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